Full-time HHP Faculty and Staff
Patricia Dotson Pettit, Ph.D.
Professor of Health and Human Performance
Health and Human Performance Department Chair
Health and Fitness Studies
pdp [at] NebrWesleyan.edu
Lacey Batt-Peters, M.A.
Assistant Professor of HHP
lpeters6 [at] qiju123.com
Ted Bulling, Ph.D.
Adjunct Instructor of HHP
tab [at] NebrWesleyan.edu
Gina Chambers, M.Ed.
Assistant Professor of Health and Human Performance
Sport Management
gchamber [at] NebrWesleyan.edu
Scott Haas
Adjunct Instructor In Health & Human Performance
shaas [at] NebrWesleyan.edu
Deanna Hanke
Staff Assistant to HHP Department
dhanke [at] qiju123.com
Jacque Kidder
Adjunct Instructor In Health & Human Performance
jkidder [at] NebrWesleyan.edu
Tyler Kohmetscher, MA, LAT, ATC, CSCS
Instructor of Human Health & Performance in Athletic Trainer
Athletic Training
(402) 465-2277 (office)
tkohmets [at] qiju123.com
Sue Kozisek
Adjunct Instructor in Health & Human Performance
skozisek [at] NebrWesleyan.edu
Tamra Llewellyn, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Health and Human Performance
Exercise Science
tllewell [at] NebrWesleyan.edu